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Adult Sunday School

Various Sunday morning classes are offered at 9:30am to provide meaningful opportunities aimed at spiritual growth and deepening your faith. Our hope is to grow in community, studying together so as to strengthen each other as we go out each day to share God's love in word and service to others.




The Education Committee ministry team meets quarterly to plan for future studies, assess class offerings, and explore opportunities for growth, service, and intergenerational engagement. We are open to new ideas and welcome new interest from anyone wishing to teach classes either short-term or long-term. 


Covenant class: meets at 9:30 in room 205. Teacher- John Barker. This long-standing and welcoming class uses the Cokesbury Adult Bible Studies curriculum. The study is Bible-based and Christ-focused- a comprehensive study plan designed to deepen your relationship with God. 


One Room Sunday School: meets at 9:30 in room 305. Teachers- Dawn LaFon and Herb Levy. This class formed as a product of the pandemic. Combining various adult classes to manage our time apart from in-person, the One Room class was born. The study is series based on the book by A.J Levine, Short Stories of Jesus, facilitated by Herb Levy.


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