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UMM & UWoF Joint Celebration

May 4th
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Wiseacre Downtown - 398 S. BB King

With services now back in the sanctuary and the Covid case numbers continuing to drop, it feels like we are getting to a place where our monthly breakfasts and other activities seems like real possibilities. So to get that started, we will have a joint United Methodist Men and United Women of Faith social gathering at Wiseacre downtown!


Yes, you read that right. To celebrate our new name and to kick off some springtime fun, the UWoF and the UMM will join forces for a joint social gathering at Wiseacre downtown May 4th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.  We'll pick up the tabs on some pizza and apps but the beverages are on you. 


We hope you'll join us so grab your friends and make plans to attend. We'll be very casual so come for a bit or for the entire time. We'll just be happy to see you!


Grief Recovery Support Group

March 7th - April 8th

We have a new grief recovery support group which will take place between March 7 and April 8. The 6-week series will be headed by Kay Due and Mimi White and cover "The Grief Recovery Handbook" by founded of the Grief Recovery Institute John W. James. There is limited availability, so if you or a loved one would like to participate, please contact Kay Due at or Mimi White at  to reserve your place and book.

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