Recovery Ministries
Our ministries include The Way, The Way House, Ches’ Closet, and various community partnerships. See descriptions, contacts, and links below.
Bing Bingham is the Director of The Way, which is a service of recovery open to everyone, based on the 12 steps of recovery. The Way happens every Friday night at 6pm and includes live music from some of Memphis’ finest musicians! We have found that we are all in recovery from something, so when you come to The Way you are a part of our family “and we’re gonna love you and there ain’t nothing you can do about it!” Contact Bing at dbingham@stjohnsmidtown.org

The Way House
The Way House is where people come to attend recovery groups throughout the week, to build relationships, and learn to deepen their connection to a life of recovery. “The opposite of addiction is relationship,” so The Way House is here to provide support through recovery groups and classes, and through peer-to-peer counseling. Contact David Dbingham@stjohnsmidtown.org.
The Way: A Service of Recovery
On a Friday night in Memphis, there is music everywhere. You can hear it on Beale Street, on South Main. You can hear it at the clubs in Midtown, in Overton Square. And at 6:00 pm, you’ll hear it just beyond the heavy wooden doors of St. John’s United Methodist Church. This is music for the broken, and those who don’t know they are broken. It’s for the recovering, and those who don’t believe they are recovering. It’s got a message for those who need to hear one. Contact Bing at dbingham@stjohnsmidtown.org

Ches' Closet
Ches’ Clothes Closet serves the community by providing clothes and hygiene products to unhoused and less fortunate individuals in the community.